dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011


Sortida:  Girona (Barcelona) 29 de maig a les 22:05.
Arribada:  Londres-Stansted a les  23:15
Preu: 58,16 en total

DAY 1: Quan vaig baixa de l'avio, vaig agafar un taxi fins al hotel i em vaig adormir fins que es va fer de dia. Quan em vaig aixecar em vaig dutxa i vaig baixa a baix per esmorzar en el hotel. Quan vaig acabar vaig anar de compras i em vaig compra moltes coses. Vaig deixa les coses i vaig anar a passejar per la ciutat vaig veure moltes coses com torres , estructures ... Vaig dinar en un restaurant i cuan vaig acabar

» Impostos i tarifes13,68EUR
» Aviation Insurance/PRM Levy6,49EUR

dimarts, 17 de maig del 2011


PART 1:  1:Information desk/ Ask about her sister flight
                 2:Go to the first floor/ to the duty-free shops and get more imformation 
                 3:Go in a shop/restaurant and find out that the junitor can held 
                 4:We can go to passport control and talk to policie 
                5:Go back to the duty-free shop and find the junitor 
                6:We go back to passport control because we heart shuts 
               7:We take a remote control and go in the vertilation sharft
PART 2 1:Talk to the janitor and  find  out I need to go to medical center so I go right 
              2: I see the medical roomand go strainght
              3: I arrive to the where the vampires are they talk making the humans become vampires 
             4:We find where Mrs Hackett is 
             5:I need a doctor disguise 
         6: Go back to the shop, exchange money and buy a fishing rod and things. I peed to become a doctor.
            7: Enter rom and save my sister.